Conceptually Driven
A blog about conceptual art, and its drive in my life as an artist.
Websites aren’t just back - they’re BACK.
WHoo! Hello there, again! After 11 years! Right? What website actually survives with 11 years of non-attention? Anything built in ExpressionEngine, that's what. (Craft CMS people - girl, you know it's true.) This website went through a long absence of my care, while posting became more meaningful and further reaching on other platforms. Now, much of what was enjoyable about those experiences (friendliness, true stories, good news, actual posts by people I want to follow) has gone or is promising to go, to be replaced by AI and whatever else they come up with. The thing about bad technology is that it stops being used. Suddenly, what an advantage it is, it seems, to still have a physical website set up, with software updates available for safety - and the ability to fire up an entire Art archive within it. Two blogs, two!! One about cerebral thoughts and the other about the what-the-hells...
Rants and Raves
A casual blog reporting on the life and times of Caroline C. Blaker
Oh wow, Hi!
All the professionals have a website they've let go for 11 years, right? Weird to be back. Weird to revive this. Weird to care so much. Weird. Weird that defining this gap can pretty much boil down to my Facebook and Twitter arcs. Twitter is all gone. Facebook wants to be all gone. The era is gone! And now I have to post here, again! We're on secure, updated software. The front-end code is old and reflects old conventions. But it's mine, and I still like it. Not just one kid, but two. A business shift. Healing, healing, healing. Boundaries. Feeling strong, finally, with my skills and future. So much to do - here! Not on Facebook or any other platform owned by other people....