
Oil Paintings, Latex Paintings, Data Art.

Conceptually Driven

A blog about conceptual art, and its drive in my life as an artist.

  • St.. Albuquerque?

    I caught myself yesterday, suddenly, thinking that Albuquerque should really be the sister-city of St. Louis -well, retrospectively thinking, maybe the "brother city" or the "husband city" for Albuquerque's distinctive masculine flavor, with its brash heat, strident dry wind, and flora as delicate and colorful as it is guarded and tough to pick. Still, I'm not quite sure what it is, whether it be the tiny downtown with its cluster of high-rise buildings in the distant vista, or the throngs of mediocre vehicles that take to the road at the same time in the late afternoon, the low horizon line, or the cute black guys driving hoopties with pretty wheels. Or maybe it's just that its the the second "B-rated" city I've lived in, and I have unfinished business in such a place. The experiences of both cities might not be so similar, if my experiences of them had not begun in such similar manners and progressed so closely. I recently arrived from Vail Colorado, where the pervasive elitism of th...
  • Conceptually Driven - new blog

    I'm so glad you visited. You have found the new place where I will be keeping record of my conceptual explorations as they come. This is also a forum for discussion of these ideas as you see fit. Thank you for visiting....

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