Conceptually Driven - Conceptual Art
A blog about conceptual art, and its drive in my life as an artist.
What I learned from Alex Grey and Allyson Grey
Occasionally in our lives there comes the chance to grasp or to pass by - to meet people who are "Great" or who have contributed to culture and thought in ways that can be measured. I had this chance a couple of weeks ago, and I jumped on it. I attended the Paradise Artist Retreat with a handful of great artists, right here in Bernalillo, NM; at the same resort where I married my husband. I couldn't believe my luck. When I found it on Facebook, just a couple of weeks before it was scheduled, it just so happened that this retreat for artists had openings available and I could spare the time (and the chunk of change) to go. With no local promotion, it was attracting talent from a very select group throughout the US and abroad - mainly in Tattoo art. It was organized by a Tattoo arts support organization and most of the "greats" on deck were well known tattoo artists - even published authors as such, though none of the literature eliminated other sorts of artists as being welcome. Addit...
Why I paint spirals
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away; I took Geometry. Like most of the other ninth graders in my class, I found it to be a refreshing diversion from arithmetic and equations (otherwise known as Math), and in getting to know and draw shapes, I was introduced to the spiral, properly. We had these nifty graphing calculators, black and brown screens and spirals would animate right out of the axes once the correct equation was entered - though by this time, bringing equations back to the shapes was a brilliant way to rekindle my fading interest in math. And then, there was the geometric theorem (I cant find a reference) that stated that all spirals are similar, as depending on the dimensions on the axes on which they are mapped, they can be made to look exactly like one another, even if arising from very different equations. So if the shape is a spiral, no matter how it looks, its just like every other spiral. cool. It wasnt long after this that I began to draw spirals...
Collectors Opportunity: One-time Signed and Numbered Twitterscapes
Its going to be an exciting year for me as an artist. This spring, Ill be attending SXSWi in Austin, then flying off to Paris in June - undoubtedly to see lots of artwork and sniff out a few galleries, hopefully. This March will also mark 1 year since Twitterscapes were first introduced to the public at Chroma Gallery, and as part of Creative Albuquerques Women in Creativity series, Ive decided to share Twitterscapes again, this time at Petroglyph, with an exhibit of images that were produced as the first Twitterscapes, before the code in the script was set. There are up to 40 of these I could show as the progression the images took, though I dare say, Im limited to showing only a few of these by cost. The Story behind Twitterscapes In case you dont already know, Twitterscapes are images created from data provided by Twitter. The program, written by me exclusively to create Twitterscapes, pulls the users tweets out of Twitters Application Programming Interface (API) as w...
SPREAD proposal for Site Santa Fe
Project Summary 200 Words Twitterscapes are images composed of pixels that derive their color and position directly from tweets on the popular social network Twitter. They are created by an online program that obtains the data and breaks it down, character for character, into colors chosen by that user to be a part of his/her profile. In their current iteration, Twitterscapes are derived from the public timeline and are titled by day and time created, as they are effectively social media snapshots of that very moment. My SPREAD proposal is to use Twitterscapes to create a live dialogue between Albuquerque and Santa Fe, via Twitter. The physical piece will exist in two installation areas, one in each city, and will comprise of a screen or projection, support equipment, and instructions: to send a tweet on Twitter including a particular word with a hash mark in front of it (called a hash tag), whereby the program will recognize these tweets and show them in Twitterscape format, in t...