Conceptually Driven - Conceptual Art
A blog about conceptual art, and its drive in my life as an artist.
Exhibit: Infomatic Aesthetic at Flying Star Cafe
Im pleased to have just returned from installing five paintings in the Downtown Albuquerque Flying Star Cafe. Not only is the location frequented by thousands of people in a month but its decor is retro-modern, complete with bright colors and high ceilings. Ive never hung my artwork anywhere like it, but I have to say it looks fan-tabulous. The show will be up for three months, so the exposure it will bring to my aesthetic will be invaluable. The work at Flying Star includes Diptych, Sometimes We Know Differently (we dont forget), Untitled, and two new paintings without images on this website: Scare and Blue Day. Blue Day is a diptych of the same dimensions of Sometimes We Know Differently and Scare is a progression of the thick application technique also used in Chase. All of this work is done on Latex on Canvas and involves Pixels. Im noticing growth in the popularity of my infomatic aesthetic artwork - the work in this show was picked out directly from their listings ...
State of the studio - October 2010
Since my last studio update, everything has changed. I have gotten married, opened my own commercial shop, and moved the studio in with the web, effectively declaring myself a professional artist, without a single sale. Good thing I have other skills to back that up. Ive been working for a terrific San Francisco based web shop to hold down the fort while securing wall space and painting time in the other parts of my rented retail space. Last weekend I declared my first ever Art Bender - meaning I hit the paints every day and even a third time on Wednesday. There were a couple of elements that made this Bender different from other painting efforts. I purchased 9 new canvases of 3 different sizes, brush cleaners and soaps, and new brushes, and had these supplies in-hand. The new canvas sizes assisted composition impulses. The brush cleaner held down the fumes until uncapped, and provided the right texture for bristle rinsing. The soap revived 12 11-year-old brushes (some still bear...
Self as Informant
State of the Studio - 05/05/10