
Oil Paintings, Latex Paintings, Data Art.

Conceptually Driven - Conceptual Art Theory

A blog about conceptual art, and its drive in my life as an artist.

  • State of the Studio - 05/05/10

    I'm pleased to say that I have left the 9-5 workforce in favor of making my dreams come true in the ways of creative work and living the American dream. In this brave new world, I'm finding that I'm standing on the edge of something powerful I've only dreamed of getting this close to before. Its not only great, but numbing. Now that I'm here, what do I do? What efforts do I need to make? Where should I focus my attention? How do I go further than this? In looking into myself for answers, I come up remarkably blank. This has been the trouble, however, for awhile. Its nothing new. Same ol' too much to do and not enough time. Same ol' money first, creativity last. Same ol' peripheral tasks that numb my brain and consume my energy. On top of that, a terrific partner who deserves and gets a lot of my quality time. Its not that I don't have time to do work - its more that I'm the type of person that is likely to act on motivation to avoid pain than to derive pleasure or, in the case of m...
  • One Million Bones on the Washington Mall

    Genocide: a historical event of epic proportions. Mass ethnic cleansing - killing millions of people in the name of .. something. Its far away and its long gone, right? If this were going on now we would hear about it all over the news right? Actually, this time, the contemporary genocides, while being as lethal as the Holocaust are as secret as the Freemason rituals to the United States and other first world countries: most people do not know, and others are not talking. The facts are that genocide is happening right now. Right NOW. Its happening with our government's knowledge AND with no intervention- we are simply allowing for it to happen without objection, despite the 'never again' promise post WWII. If you feel in any way that this is completely unacceptable, somewhat remotely unacceptable, or otherwise not acceptable, there IS something you can do. Artist Naomi Natale wants you (yes, You! and your hands) to make a bone to represent one victim for display in this massive art in...
  • On Twitterscapes

    My career has a whole has been comprised of two distinct pieces: the web/technology driven side, and the art studio side; the art side having existed all along, became a career as soon as I was aware of myself needing one. It wasn’t, however, one that would support me for years. It was for this reason that I began to learn web development, in order to market myself, at the very least, and hopefully expedite the process of my getting ‘discovered’ by a collector or gallery that would lead to happily ever after. As it tends to happen, at least for artists, the skills I acquired in my search for building myself a website became job-marketable and have lead to my current career as a web developer. In conceptualizing my studio paintings, I have attempted through painting compositions of pixels to bring the electronically based portion of my creativity full-circle back to the studio, and at some point set a goal for myself to arrive at an art form that suited both my conceptual studio ar...
  • The Faces of the Ancients

    They are still around and among us - Ancients - their stories are still told by incomplete and inconclusive clues that have been left and scattered like camouflaged marbles among the rocks and stones that still exist as fascinating skeletal evidence of the quinessence of human existence. Like fans or addicts, living people of unrelated culture, history, and lifestyle travel for days to set foot in and breathe the air of Mesa Verde and other early history sites around the world seemingly in order to continue and be a part of the guessing game that has set these locations apart from the other sites on the planet we continue to change and develop from the fire of our own culture, building structures, parking lots, and drainage systems from far-retrieved mixtures of earth’s many virtues. In the end, many check off such visits on a long list of goals of consummation and quietly congratulate the ego for its many battles in pursuing and conquering such a goal. Sometimes photos are taken and ...

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