Just a few hours after parting with my family after a lovely Christmas I get back to work, though not on developing my painting into a higher realm of contemporary art as one might expect. NO no no no.. this Christmas handed me a surprise that truly knocked me off my feet - good thing I was sitting down.
I had submitted an article to digg and it just blew up. Nearly 1300 diggs in 4 days. 7 new fans. Woh. I have fans?
The funny part is that they are not even fans of my painting or blogging. They are fans of what I digg. What I pull out of the internet. What I point at with a cheeseburger grin on my face and say "hey! look what I found!"
For those of you who are yet unfamiliar, Digg is a pretty big deal. Its like the ebay of online article popularity. Everyone uses it to cast a vote for "hey that's cool!" or "Wow that really stinks." Anyone can sign up, and once they do, they can submit articles or leave comments for articles that have already been dugg. Any page on the internet can be dugg, but what happens after that can be very quiet or quite a ruckus. 1300 diggs is kind of a big deal.
Now this isn't a tootie-wootie my own horn scenario. Its that I got lucky, and stumbled upon a huge article that nobody had Dugg yet. I found it on a really popular news site and was just the first to notice that it had not been posted to Digg. yet. Believe me, I went through several rounds of logging in and verifying it had been posted because I knew it would be hot.
I have been in web development since 2003 and known about Digg since right about then, and this has never happened to me. I have never been notified of new fans over Christmas or found a through the charts article to post to the world's most popular popularity site to have my screenname sitting right next to it. A lot of people don't ever see this. I promptly logged into the website and updated my profile, sort of. I added my logo and web link.. but holy cow.. people (strangers..) are now following me, and with a little of my attention, this could get a lot bigger.
I will be posting further on generative art once I find out more along the lines of what I want to do, but essentially, I am hypothesizing a way to use user data to create meaningful images that reveal the data's inherent integrity and talk about the influx of data within the world wide web and how it speaks to us through bombardment of advertising, subliminal messaging, and even journalism. Thinking about this is like looking across the Grand Canyon, standing atop a plateau; I have a long way to go to get to where I can see, and while on that journey, my view will be ever changing and quite different, and I won't have the end of my path to guide me in the right direction. Meanwhile, the best thing I can do is gather traffic, swing traffic, and influence web traffic and clicks. And I will be doing all of this without any attempt at sales or making money. I think.
A glimpse of possibility can be riveting. I'm looking at 1300 digg's which was an effort that I began. Not that this isn't someone else's writing. it is. Not that someone else wouldn't have come up behind me and dugg it if I hadn't. They would have. But I see a start. I see the first of some things to come. I already know that I won't stop making these efforts as I have not yet in my adult life and there is much further to go.
But in the mean time, I have added an RSS feed and Atom for Conceptually Driven, here:
And I have added them to Technorati, and myself as carolinecblaker.
This is going to be fun. Let the games begin.