
Oil Paintings, Latex Paintings, Data Art.

The difference of a good art photographer

The difference of a good art photographer image

My art photographer is a transformational figure in the development of my art portfolio. The images that are produced from that studio are perfectly color accurate, archival of all surface detail, and actually look just like the paintings themselves. As an added bonus, I feel like a million bucks.

In other news, if you ask me how the last week has been, I'll tell you "expensive."

Without further ado, some photos:

Color Accuracy

Don't Socialize My Medicare by .carolinecblaker. - before and after

Don't Socialize My Medicare by .carolinecblaker.

A photographer that specializes in artwork will rarely use a flash. Instead, there will be human-sized lights for the purpose of casting a consistent daylight wash over the work with as little interference as possible. Other benefits to this are capturing the work in its original dimensions, and the photographer’s eye for accuracy - features that can be missed by the artist.

Texture and Surface

Let me be sky! by .carolinecblaker. - before and after

Let me be sky! by .carolinecblaker.

The details that will be captured by a 22mpx camera far exceed that of any 8mpx camera, no matter how expensive the lens. Looking at the image on the right does give the same impression as checking out the live painting, for a good reason! Even if it’s the smaller more condensed version, the large version had all canvas and surface detail for the zooming eye to see. As such, when it zoomed out and whittled out detail to make the smaller image, it created a clearer, much more representative image of the painting than any capture could have without the initial pronunciation of such detail. Buying the time of a person with a decent camera is an investment that outweighs the risk of poor documentation or worse, appearing to be an amateur.

Interest vs. Disinterest


untitled with spirals by .carolinecblaker

Granted, this last example was unfinished in the “before” picture, but have a look at the blues, in the bottom center - they were not replaced. In the “after” image, there’s a terrific chance of a person knowledgeable in painting being able to pick out your pigments, brush strokes, and even the layering process. The work gains value just by presenting itself for evaluation at this level.

As you can tell, I’m pleased with the results. One thing I forgot to mention - if your art photographer is also a printer, he/she will keep the interests of exacting your color and detail for future editions to be printed and enjoyed. Better yet, if a collector wants a print, you know exactly where to go.

And hey, who hasn’t found the reproductions market to be soaring?

Posted on December 09, 2010

[url="http://carolinecblaker.com/about"]Caroline C. Blaker[/url] is an artist who maintains three bodies of artwork: oil on canvas paintings, latex paintings on a variety of surfaces, and digital images derived directly from data. All of these are abstract; and pursue, in their own ways, her fascination with the idea of Infinity, and its confluent perfection and momentary impossibility. More about the author

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