
Oil Paintings, Latex Paintings, Data Art.

The Faces of the Ancients

They are still around and among us - Ancients - their stories are still told by incomplete and inconclusive clues that have been left and scattered like camouflaged marbles among the rocks and stones that still exist as fascinating skeletal evidence of the quinessence of human existence. Like fans or addicts, living people of unrelated culture, history, and lifestyle travel for days to set foot in and breathe the air of Mesa Verde and other early history sites around the world seemingly in order to continue and be a part of the guessing game that has set these locations apart from the other sites on the planet we continue to change and develop from the fire of our own culture, building structures, parking lots, and drainage systems from far-retrieved mixtures of earth’s many virtues. In the end, many check off such visits on a long list of goals of consummation and quietly congratulate the ego for its many battles in pursuing and conquering such a goal. Sometimes photos are taken and shared to entice others towards the sights we have seen or perhaps to stoke raw jealousy. Sometimes we even use these photos for our own photographic reminders, as we know all too well that memories fade - and the value of having such mental imagery to access and relive over and over is too valuable to allow to fodder in the junk of everyday existence - after all, all the proof and warning of such degradation exists within the ruins themselves. Memory and FaceAs we are distracted by TV, by children, by making our living, some things are lost. We are attracted to pre-history cave and cliff dwellings for their mystery of why and how, and for the sheer awe of superimposing our existence with the existence, one-time or ongoing, of these settlements, and challenging our core beliefs to fit this evidence within the structure we’ve built internally to make sense of the world and its evolution. And then we go and size these places up. We see it, then we are in it. There is something else that happens too. Some absorbtion. Some give and take. It happens to everyone whether or not its being noticed, and more so when topics of discussion are accurate and can relate the world as we know it to the world we are trying to figure out. When objects, events, organization, and community are understood, the world in question - the one that exists beyond our borders of space and time - gets closer to our reach. Further observation of natural sound phenomena - the trees, native birds, echoes, falling rock provide further auditory clues to our seeker within and as the sensory olfactory of this place inhabited by just a moment of this life is absorbed, suddenly it becomes possible to imagine the inverse that is clearly also true: that the dwellers who once existed here are much like us- they ate, they had jobs, they had to pee, and they fell in love. Near the end of the tour, there’s less of a sense of a museum, and far more of a living space in time, where once people were, and now they are not. We can witness their spaces, participate in their footprints, and wish them well for wherever and however they may be in existence today. Outside the structure of a tour, sometimes a guide will be willing to entertain questions that less suitable by our cultural standpoints for the greater tour. How tall were these people? Do they know by found human remains? Do they find a lot? Where have they been found? Oh, right over there... Spirits that have not moved on stay where they feel they belong. Anyone who believes in ghosts or has witnessed this knows. It might be confusion, unfinished duty, or commitment. Places that have been inhabited by people and loved and protected throughout those peoples’ lives house the energy that was invested, traded, and released by their inhabitants. All of the love, disgust, dread, fear, laughter, dispair, and excitement of the settlers’ lives was contained within these settlements from birth to death, and even then afterwards assuming guardianship of the survivors and their territory.. Ancient in RockNative American cultures, aside from some spanish-influenced catholic values, are ancestrally focused. While there are divine centric gods to pray to and worship, the ancestor, having died and ascended and being ever-present, is considered to be closer to the gods and therefore divine. They are sometimes thought to function as go-betweens between the people and their gods, as messengers, or as divine lobbyists, folks who watch over their living relatives and make cases for them to the gods. Ancestors are included at dinner in contemporary Native American cultures and honored for their carrying of messages, resources, and well-being to this world. The back-and-forth of energy and love is just one aspect of the Native way of giving back what has been given. Arguably, the exchanges between the living and their ancestors can be interpreted as sustaining for both sides - the ancestral body of energy is fed by the gifts of the living and the living are in turn serviced by the ancestral guard they maintain. Having gone on for thousands of years, the ancestral energy is well defined and at some root point is common for all people. The feeding of this body of spirits can be conceptualized as energy healing or any other kind of feeding, nursing, or fortification. Its vein is strong and its root is deep. And it is real to all who have ingested its gifts and wonder. Cloaked FigureThe ancestral energy of these ancient settlers in places like Mesa Verde can be difficult to imagine, conceptualize, or absorb in our distracted lives as modern people of different ethnic origin and life focus. Visiting somewhere like Mesa Verde is full of this kind of energy, as all who have ever inhabited these spaces (roughly between 1000 and 1300 AD) have moved on and become ancestors for today’s native tribes. The people moved on from these cliff dwellings, but left a permanent mark within their space. The homes, gathering spaces, and religious spaces all still carry evidence of personalized intelligence, spirituality, and creativity. They will not, for the forseeable future, belong to anyone but these ancestral energies. Looking at the surrounding rock formations, I perceive the faces of the ancestors in megalythic effigies all over the raw land. These faces are made of natural rock formations, and through the mind’s eye. I can clearly remember my time as a young girl, seeking shapes within the cut rocks on Mt. Riga or on our lengthy trips through Pennsylvania and upstate New York. I would look for, but never see, the personalities, the facial structures, the human personalities that appear to me today. They appear as heads, as interactions (one or two personalities interacting), groups, and crowds. And they are everywhere. I am pleased to provide the photographic evidence of the personalities that I see coming through the earth. Elderly Male and FemaleWhile noticing the faces among these natural rock formations, it might be tempting to pass such off as coincidental or meaningless. After all, the laws of nature basically say that the wear and tear on these rocks has been random, and even while finding shapes within them, its not worth the attention for the simple fact that it could hypothetically look different and mean nothing either way. Still, we are lucky to notice what we notice. Being of a culture that is so far from the earth’s gifts (they go through machines, processing, transporation, retail, and TIME, to get to us and are sometimes changed beyond recognition) the raw pictures that are communicated by earth are easy to doubt, but also rare and without pattern. Yet, we go to Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon, and other places, to look at rocks, and the earth, and the importance of the formations of those to the early people for whom the aforementioned earth to people process did not exist. Then we get a little closer to them. Well what about them? What about their ancestry, that is still alive today? Laughing TwinsIn this moment, we have a crossroads. We can level off at our current understanding, falsely wondering at what might be ahead in that, credit ourselves for thinking beyond our thinking, and be satisfied. The other option is to think for a sec that these shapes that we find coincidental might be less coincidental. Well what then? You are crazy! .. your mind says. You have nothing to support this idea nor do you have anything to gain but everything to lose from this latest tipping point. Strangely, you might not have them aboard at the time, but there are a few notions within nature that support the personalization of these personalities that you are struggling to understand. One general notion is that seeing a face, with a human history behind the species of more than 5000 years, that it was bound to be somebody’s face, some time. Right? What about that? It doesn’t need to be assumed that the person in living existed in the geographical area of the effigy or that their spirit still exists. Its processing the face, the emotion, and its perceptive message in the gesture that is valuable to even the most skilled spiritualists, and not whether “facts” can be drawn from its witnessing... So I guess, don’t worry about that. Already, the experience of witnessing the effigy is the strongest event it has to offer, and in that it is spectacular. Additionally, if you subscribe to the notion that Native American ancestry, and even non-Native American ancestry, still exists to strengthen the living population and fortify its successes, then how could it be impossible that the energy of these divine beings (who were once human) show up as personalities in the places on earth in which they dwell? If its not impossible, then its magical possibility is left to be entertained. Thousands of years of being reinforced by the living allows a spirit more strength than the forgottien - just look at Jesus Christ. Furthermore, the order in which their energy might organize itself is beyond our understanding: we would understand quite a bit about these entities that science at its current place considers nonexistent, in order to deduce and deduct any possibilities of what these spirits can do. My personal experience of these personalties/effigies is that they are extremely human, communicative, and in all probability have a history of life. They are existing ancients, and I am blessed to gaze upon their faces. Crowd Model or Daily Life The Five Sisters

Posted on September 10, 2009

[url="http://carolinecblaker.com/about"]Caroline C. Blaker[/url] is an artist who maintains three bodies of artwork: oil on canvas paintings, latex paintings on a variety of surfaces, and digital images derived directly from data. All of these are abstract; and pursue, in their own ways, her fascination with the idea of Infinity, and its confluent perfection and momentary impossibility. More about the author

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