
Oil Paintings, Latex Paintings, Data Art.

Petroglyph Creative

To create a workspace for both art and web projects

Having left a 9-5 workplace in 2010 and having fought for time to develop, promote, and do my artwork while engaged in all of my preceeding professional experiences, I decided it was time to create a workplace where I could independently take work in all of my disciplines, and do what my art required for growth in off time.

Petroglyph Creative

Petroglyph Creative is open six days a week. Stop by, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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Petroglyph Creative

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About building this project:

My Role:


Posted on February 09, 2011

[url="http://carolinecblaker.com/about"]Caroline C. Blaker[/url] is an artist who maintains three bodies of artwork: oil on canvas paintings, latex paintings on a variety of surfaces, and digital images derived directly from data. All of these are abstract; and pursue, in their own ways, her fascination with the idea of Infinity, and its confluent perfection and momentary impossibility. More about the author

@carolinecblaker on Twitter Become a Fan

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