
Oil Paintings, Latex Paintings, Data Art.

Rants and Raves - Career management

A casual blog reporting on the life and times of Caroline C. Blaker

  • A word on moving on

    I’m moved to post today not because I have any crazy news or life changing events to announce, but because for the first time ever, since moving to Albuquerque, the world is silent in all of its commotion and unyielding in its grounding, and my observation is how grateful I am to be a part of it, and for what help I’ve had to build the things that I have around me. I am grateful for so many things; from nature to my family, to the skills I have, to the skills others have, and for my incredible future that is now undeniably independent, lucrative, and everything else I could ask for it to be. Perhaps I wasn’t clear before, but I actually DO have very important news to share. I have declared my independence as a freelance web developer and am now taking projects on a bid-by-bid basis. I have dropped my 9-5 completely in favor of taking my own projects and working more closely with my clients to help them get what they want out of their websites. There are many reasons for this chang...
  • Micro-Recyclo

    Trying to get to work in this office can be so hard! There are distractions, co workers, things I don’t like. That and my job stretches me in so many different directions that I often feel resentment towards the lack of energy and creativity I retain towards building my own future in the mean time. Time after work is full of relationship-related spending time, living with someone new invariably obligates the people involved to give as much time to each other as is available. The above issues have inspired a lot of thought and a possible solution - to micro recycle my time throughout the day. So far, this means to use breaks I would ordinarily spend on Facebook and Huffington Post (reading comments and rants) and use them instead as micro efforts on my website and writing (like this very article) a few minutes at a time, to eat away little by little at my to-do list but more so help me find the peace of mind I require from taking a proactive effort in my own future. This is one habi...

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