
Oil Paintings, Latex Paintings, Data Art.

Rants and Raves - Totally Random

A casual blog reporting on the life and times of Caroline C. Blaker

  • The Planet Earth: Amazon’s Earth Day gift

    The Planet Earth BBC Series is on sale at Amazon today, Earth Day, only. Here is why I'm going to buy this: The footage covers surface of the earth, pole to pole, covering both the obvious and secret species. The narrator is a succinctly spoken British man, lending the series an aire of sophistication and drama. There's an American narrator version - this is not it. The coverage of the animals is at some of their most emotionally dramatic moments - migration, mating, famine, and fear. The program uses aerial shots and close-ups interchangeably to convey the space of movement and emotions of the scene's participants in an extraordinary perspective. Its on Blu-Ray, so the resolution is as close to real-life as possible. In fact, you might actually believe it IS real. You know, for a second or maybe 10. In other news, a Roadrunner found itself in our back yard this morning, drinking the doggie water and looking for lizards. As much as we like our lizards, we were so happy to see this am...

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