
Oil Paintings, Latex Paintings, Data Art.

Twitterscape: April 10 2010 12:06 PM MDT

A word on moving on

I’m moved to post today not because I have any crazy news or life changing events to announce, but because for the first time ever, since moving to Albuquerque, the world is silent in all of its commotion and unyielding in its grounding, and my observation is how grateful I am to be a part of it, and for what help I’ve had to build the things that I have around me. I am grateful for so many things; from nature to my family, to the skills I have, to the skills others have, and for my incredible future that is now undeniably independent, lucrative, and everything else I could ask for it to be. Perhaps I wasn’t clear before, but I actually DO have very important news to share. I have declared my independence as a freelance web developer and am now taking projects on a bid-by-bid basis. I have dropped my 9-5 completely in favor of taking my own projects and working more closely with my clients to help them get what they want out of their websites. There are many reasons for this change and now it is finally time. I’m ready, I’m steady, and I’m going. This event, though not the reason why I’m posting, has triggered an opening in my awareness to how absolutely good I have it, and I need to share that with you, as a fan, family, friend, or complete stranger that you are. You are a part of this. Just by cruising my website and reading my words, checking out my art work, or clicking through some posted link, you are contributing to my amazing life as a part of what I absolutely love about being alive: being able to contribute to the lives of others, like you, from putting a smile on your face, hopefully making you laugh at some point, or showing you new images to enjoy. To participate in your life as this, I am so, so grateful. I wish in some regard that it did not take leaving a job to trigger this flood of gratitude, though I’m sure that if it had been possible before this change, I would have witnessed it then. I’m getting the sense that my resources were being poorly used, though correctly allocated for survival. Ultimately, standing up for my balance required separation from the situation that required such heavy use of me. Ultimately, its only me who is truly able stand up for my needs, and the same is true for every person. Ultimately, this was the only resolution. I’m grateful to have reached this point, even in an unsustainable situation. I’m grateful for all that I have learned in that situation. I wouldn’t be able to do the work I am going to do without that knowledge. I’m grateful that they let me go painlessly. I’m grateful to be where I am, with their help. Today’s agenda includes a trip up to the hot springs in Jemez in a topless jeep for a little decompression with mother nature. Already, there has been yoga, weight lifting, meditation, gardening, espresso, and oatmeal. The little guys are pleased with my being around more, as is the big guy. With our upcoming marriage, this is a nice brand-new start, and a couple of months to share before he begins his medical internship. Enjoy your beautiful day.

Posted on April 10, 2010

[url="http://carolinecblaker.com/about"]Caroline C. Blaker[/url] is an artist who maintains three bodies of artwork: oil on canvas paintings, latex paintings on a variety of surfaces, and digital images derived directly from data. All of these are abstract; and pursue, in their own ways, her fascination with the idea of Infinity, and its confluent perfection and momentary impossibility. More about the author

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Most recent comments

Way to go Caroline! I loved this post. Sounds like you are doing great. What kind of gardening are you doing?

congrats Caroline, exciting news!

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on Apr 14, 2010
.carolinecblaker.'s avatar

Amanda! I believe this is the first ever comment posted to my blog with a question.  😊

We started with strawberries, blueberries, and grapes - gone to herbs: basil, lemongrass, oregano to top off our rosemary and lavender. Then its 2 heirloom tomatoes, 16 green chile plants, 2 squash, 8 cucumbers. We will be busy!

@Lauren - I’m so excited! Thanks!

Looks like I have reason to see if my gravatar plugin is working. Super.

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