Hola everyone!
I'm pleased to finally be showing you the design I've been working on for months for this brand-new look and feel for carolinecblaker.com. In the spirit of "The cobbler's children never have new shoes," often does self-serving work of professional web designers and developers go un-delivered. We are not always our own best clients. Suffice to say that some upcoming events, including the shedding of an old web server and a baby due date fast-forwarded this project on my list. It's now live, at least in a skeletal, many-features-coming form. I know, I know, "Yeah Right!" Actually - many features that you cannot access are already installed - but there are reasons why they're not live yet: like they're not flushed out visually, or they need a tiny bit more development time, or going live to avoid a complete shut-down of the site was more important in the interim than their addition to a dev to live environment site. For those who don't speak geek - I've set myself up to be able to not only update, but improve this site easily, so much so that new features even now are imminent. What are they? Well - let me just get through this launch first. Then I can show and tell.
You'll notice a completely different organization of information, everywhere but the Portfolio section, and the Projects section. I've ditched the whole "Scene," and "About" parental section approaches in favor of a more easily accessed, fewer-clicks-to-goal structure, adding additional top-level nav elements for better SEO and more accurate naming ("Scene" was a great, broad idea, but in the end, what the hell was it? I never did quite get there.) About section now contains some lit based on my work as an artist - but the blogs have broken free into their own sections. Rants and Raves and Conceptually Driven no longer live as sub-sections to non-obvious parents. For these, for now - the commenting is gone - but not forever. It'll just take a little longer to assure that it works just as needed. Along these lines, I've also made it easier to find exhibits and shows in perpetuity - both current and a list of the ones of which I am proud.
As always, it's a true pleasure to hear your suggestions and comments both by email, on social media, or any other slick way you have of reaching me. Please don't hold back. I've designed and developed this site based on the sensibilities I've developed over the last 10 (!!) years working on websites and even longer as an artist of what artists sites should be, include, have, offer. Most importantly, it's what you, the user, needs from the site - so I look forward to hearing what that is.
Keep a look-out for awesomeness in the future, here. I'll also announce new features as they arrive.