
Oil Paintings, Latex Paintings, Data Art.

Travis and I dancing to In this Life

Rick’s “Roll” in our wedding

For our wedding song, Travis picked out In this life by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole (get) and one night played it for me before I even knew what it was. It was so romantic and sappy, yet totally accurate, that we both burst into tears. It took listening to it a couple of times before we would ultimately be able to make it through the song without waterworks, but there would be no way to give our guests this advantage. Even if we could, many of them hearing the song for the first time would actually listen to its words and knew what it meant to us. The only way to avoid a sappy, heavy feeling would be to follow the song with something funny, upbeat, or otherwise bizarre. The father-daughter dance was not going to cut it. Then along came this idea that we would Rickroll everyone. Ha! Perfect. Rick Astley’s Never gonna give you up (get) would not only be in tune with the theme of our gathering, but after such a sap-filled song, this eighties megahit turned rock paradigm would enliven our guests who were familiar with its success (unlike our wedding song, which was rather obscure) and bring giggles and laughter to everyone who knew about or had been Rickrolled before. Finally, with all the bouncing around I would be doing, the bridesmaids would surely join me on the dance floor for a couple of minutes of nobody’s-looking dance moves. We proposed this to the Deejay in our planning meeting who said, “We don’t have that song.” We must have looked really puzzled, because he immediately followed up with, “Nobody has requested Rick Astley in 15 years.” (If you want to watch a video of our wedding, my cousin and creative blogger Agatha Wells made us a video) Technorati claim tag: VZ6Z72AEZ6ZQ

Posted on June 25, 2010

[url="http://carolinecblaker.com/about"]Caroline C. Blaker[/url] is an artist who maintains three bodies of artwork: oil on canvas paintings, latex paintings on a variety of surfaces, and digital images derived directly from data. All of these are abstract; and pursue, in their own ways, her fascination with the idea of Infinity, and its confluent perfection and momentary impossibility. More about the author

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